It's one of the busiest times of the year for Ballroom dancers in Australia with The Australian Championships fast approaching. Nova is a fantastic opportunity for our dancers to get some practice in a live competition environment. As an added bonus, it's held our own backyard only being a few minutes from the Just Rhythm studio. We had huge contingent of Just Rhythm dancers along with six tables of friends and family spectating and competing across a range of age groups, dance styles and divisions heavily cheering for each other a. We're so proud of the support offered to each other at every single opportunity.
Kieren Gregory / Suzanne Malesevic
Adult B Grade Latin - Finalist
Michael Damjanovic / Elise Churcher
Adult B Grade New Vogue - Finalist
Adult B Grade Standard - Finalist
Adult C Grade Standard - Finalist
Luke Warren / Michelle Colosimo
Adult C Grade Latin - Finalist
Adult C Grade New Vogue - Finalist
Adult C Grade Standard - Finalist
Adam Mansfield / Maria Martella
Adult C Grade New Vogue - 3rd
Justin Rafol / Renee Haggar
Adult Open Latin - 3rd
Paul King / Melissa King
Masters 1 B Grade Latin - 1st
Masters 1 C Grade Latin - 1st
Masters 1 Open Latin - Finalist
Sean Heiford / Sharron Weight
Masters 1 Open Latin - 1st
Nigel Kukulka / Margaret Kukulka
Masters 1 Open Latin - Finalist
Masters 2 Open Latin - 1st
Edward Wong / Chenee Peh
Masters 1 Open Latin - Finalist
Masters 2 Open Latin - 2nd
John Astachiw / Doreen Farrugia
Masters 2 B Grade Latin - 1st
Masters 2 C Grade New Vogue - 3rd
Masters 2 C Grade Latin - 3rd
Masters 2 C Grade Standard - Finalist
Antony Svasek / Janet Berwick
Masters 2 C Grade Latin - 1st
Viktor Fejes / Christine Fejes
Masters 2 Open Latin - Finalist
Masters 3 C Grade Standard - 2nd
Masters 3 Open Latin - 2nd
Kevin Formosa / Aimee McDougall
Recreational Adult Couples Latin - FInalist
Recreational Adult Lady Latin - Finalist
Recreational Adult Man Latin - Finalist
Stuart Robbins / Sharyn Giordano
Recreational Masters 1 Lady Latin - Finalist
Recreational Masters 1 Lady Standard - Finalist
Recreational Masters 1 Man Latin - Finalist
Recreational Masters 1 Man Standard - Finalist
Mark Jayawardena / Aimee McDougall
Teacher/Student Adult/U21 - CCC - 3rd
Teacher/Student Adult/U21 - Rumba - 2nd
Mark Jayawardena / Jayne Burgess
Teacher/Student Masters - CCC - 2nd
Teacher/Student Masters - Samba 3rd